Summer Mind Ready – 3 Day Masterclass

Summer Mind Ready – 3 Day Masterclass


Summer Mind Ready > Summer Body Ready.

(Wait, what?) I know. But, here’s the thing no one tells you about body image …

Cultivating a positive body image, or arriving at a place where you *like* your body actually has NOTHING to do with your body and what it looks like, and EVERYTHING to do with the thoughts that are flowing through your mind.

Want to really enjoy your Summer? Change the story you have about your body, in your mind.

Summer Mind Ready is a 3-Day Masterclass to teach you how to change how you feel about your body by changing your mind, to, in turn, enjoy simply existing and living LIFE in your body.

You will walk away feeling empowered and EXCITED about your summer ahead, and pleasantly surprised by how changing your thoughts naturally changes your actions to supportive ones, and ultimately, allows you to feel how you’ve always wanted to feel in your body.

* * *

Dates: April 18-20, 2022 @ 12pm EST / 9am PST

*This is a live masterclass. If you aren’t able to join the sessions live, you will have access to the replay.

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