Are you a current or aspiring entrepreneur
experiencing limiting beliefs & low energy
that are slowing your ability to bring your goals to fruition?

If so, this FREE Masterclass is for you!

watch the full replay

This Masterclass is for you if:

  • You know your meant to bring your meaningful work to the world, but wish it didn’t feel so taxing and isolating at times

  • You often feel alone; like you’re the only one experiencing what you’re going through

  • You oscillate between periods of excitement and motivation, and then defeat and burnout

  • You feel tired and drained; like you don’t even have the energy required to work towards turning your dreams into reality

  • Your fear of not being successful, not having enough money or things not going your way is all-consuming and paralyzing

What you can expect:

During this Masterclass, you will be guided through an Activating Coaching Experience consisting of various tools that will help you to stay mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually afloat in the pursuit of the juicy life and career you desire.

I will use the last 15 minutes to share details about my NEW Membership Program for those that are interested in ongoing Mindset & Wellness Support.

watch the full replay over here

looking for more support?
join us in the well


Meet Your Coach

Once described as a “magical unicorn of inspiration”, Rachel Molenda is a global Mindset & Motivational Coach, Award-Winning Podcaster and your go-to hype-woman for support in turning your dream life & career into a reality in a way that feels authentic and true to you (aka Doing The Damn Thing)

Join 3000+ who receive FREE Weekly Coaching Advice to their inbox every Sunday over here. Stay inspired in the pursuit of your dreams by following Rachel on Instagram and TikTok.

Let's do the damn thing.
Rachel xx

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