115: When You’re Experiencing Digestive Issues - Ashley Sauve


Gut issues are on the rise, including everything from IBS, IBD, Sibo and H. Pylori. And while there are so many factors that can affect gut health, including diet and the health of your microbiome, most often, people with gut issues are recommended to go on a restrictive diet, eliminating entire food groups and often triggering disordered eating habits.

Ashley Sauve takes a different approach. She tackles gut healing without restrictive diets, instead focusing on lifestyle factors such as stress and trauma, as well as functional testing to give her the answers she needs for her clients. If you’re dealing with any kind of digestive discomfort or condition, and are feeling nervous about having to eliminate all of your favourite foods--tune in, and discover how to heal your gut without dieting.

Tune into episode #115:

In this episode, Ashley and I chat about:

  • Why Ashley got into the gut-healing business to begin with

  • The truth about gluten--is it really so destructive for all bodies?

  • The 5 R’s that Ashley focuses on for gut health

  • Why restrictive diets aren’t the answer for everyone with a gut issue

  • How emotions, mental health and stress play a role in gut health

  • The real reason why your typical “problem foods” don’t bother you when you’re on vacation

  • The role that your environment plays in your gut health--and overall health 

  • Strategies to slow down and be more mindful

  • Why we’re seeing a rise in gut issues

  • How functional tests like the GI Map test can help those with gut problems 

  • Why food sensitivity testing isn’t the be-all and end-all 

  • The difference between a food sensitivity, intolerance, and allergy

  • How you can support your mental healthy by supporting gut health  

Episode Sponsors:

Rawcology - Save 20% with code “FYC20” at rawcology.com 

Diagnostic Solutions - Order your GI Map Test through your practitioner today! 

Healthy Crunch - save 15% with code “FillYourCup” at healthycrunch.com 

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