154: When You’re Curious How Knowing Your Human Design Can Help You - Erin Claire Jones

If you’re someone who loves astrology, enneagrams, or personality tests, you’re going to love learning about Human Design.

Erin Claire Jones is a human design expert, and she helps thousands of individuals and companies step into their work and their lives as their trust and most authentic selves.

If you’re new to Human Design, you’re not alone—I was, too, until I took a workshop in Mexico not too long ago. It’s all about learning who you truly are so you can work with those aspects of yourself, and get comfortable with what really makes you, you.

And, since I’m all about living my most authentic, juiciest life imaginable, this was right up my alley. I think it will be right up yours, too.

Get ready to live with greater ease and authenticity, every single day.

Tune into episode #154:

In this episode, Erin and I talk about:

  • How Erin learned about Human Design and why she loves it so much

  • Why Human Design can help people feel validated, seen, relieved, and also maybe a little confronted with the truest aspects of themselves

  • What Human Design is and what makes it different from things like enneagrams, astrological signs, etc.

  • Why knowing your individual Human Design can help you live more authentically and true to yourself

  • How you can utilize your Human Design to become more comfortable + joyful with work, relationships with others and to yourself, and life overall

  • What the 5 different Human Design types are, what they mean, and what these people should focus on

  • What kinds of life changes you can expect once you start embodying your Human Design

  • How to get your Human Design blueprint + start applying it to your life

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