How To Survive The 9-5


Back in my advertising days, I thought I wasn't made for desk jobs. I got antsy, gassy, cranky and stiff. As a result, I would do anything to make the pain of gawking at a computer screen for 9+ hours a day go away, whether it was grabbing a snack, taking frequent trips to the washroom or visiting a co-worker for a chat.Does this mean I’m a bad worker? No.Does this mean I’m not a hard worker? Not quite.Does this mean I care about my physical well being too much? Actually, yeah!I know that the classic 9-5 has been the status quo for decades. It’s only now that people are starting to challenge its confined ways by introducing stand-up desks and mid-day workouts or yoga classes. Though this is progress, I was still shocked when I read that sitting for the majority of the day can eventually kill you, even with a frequent exercise regime. I’m also not a huge fan of profound statements with a few fancy statistics to back them up, but I do think there is some truth to this.In all honesty, most of the work I do now and will likely do in the future will involve a desk and a chair, but I've also recognized that to do this, I'm going to need to have some handy dandy tricks in my back pocket to ensure my spine stays straight and tall, my belly stays happy and my brain stays alert! As an avid lover of exercise and movement in general, I find it extremely difficult to sit in one place for extensive periods of time. Again, back in my advertising days, I used to go to the washroom when no one was there and do handstands or spinal rolls (see below) just to get some blood flow to the brain. It always perked me up and proved to be a great way to avoid an afternoon coffee that would eventually lead to a crash anyway.So how on earth are we ever supposed to survive the 9-5 grind anyway? These are a few little tid-bits that have worked for me.

3 Tips To Survive The 9-5

1. Stay hydrated:Keep a glass of water by your desk and sip continuously throughout the day. When it’s empty, fill ‘er up – don’t stop until the day is done! Yes, you will have to get up a ton to go to the washroom but hey, wasn’t that the point of all of this anyway? (Tip: Keep an eye out for clear urine – it may mean that you are over-hydrated which can lead to health issues. Strive for a pale amber or honey colour urine for optimal hydration).2. Exercise in the AM:The debate as to whether it’s more beneficial to work out in the morning versus the afternoon or evening will forever continue. My take? If you’re managing to stay committed to a consistent workout routine, you’re already that many steps ahead. Personally, I prefer working out in the morning for the endorphin high that takes me through the better part of the work day. It makes the morning fly-by and makes the not-so-enjoyable tasks seem somewhat bearable. Not only that, but the obligation is out of the way for the day and you can have the evening to yourself! The hardest part will be physically getting yourself out of bed. After that, you’re golden! Just don’t stop to think or make excuses.3. Do Spinal Rolls in StallsNo, I won’t make you sink to my level and handstand in the washroom (though I promise it’s worth it, when followed by a solid hand wash). An equally awesome move to get the blood flowing is a spinal roll. Warning: You’re going to want to hide in a bathroom stall for this, or be a bold little betty and introduce them to your co-workers at your next internal meeting ­(my former ad buff co-workers would vouch for me on this one, trust me). Begin by standing hip-width apart with your feet parallel and a slight bend in the knees. Start by letting the weight of your head fall forward, releasing your neck and spine, one vertebrae at a time. Eventually you should find yourself folded in half, hanging the dead weight of your arms, head and neck with the support of your lumbar spine (lower back). Hang in this position for 10-15 seconds, taking deep breaths while finding more space in your spine. Once you’ve had enough, begin to roll your body up starting at your lower back, vertebrae by vertebrae, with your head being the last to come up. Lather, rinse, repeat until your extensive visit to the washroom becomes oddly suspicious!What are some of your best kept secrets for thriving through the workday?