Bringing Your Dreams To Fruition


I remember my first day in the real world. Waking up with that “first day of school” energy, bolting out of bed, promptly on the train within minutes. Looking around I see heads bobbing, up and down, up and down. The best part is when they catch themselves head bobbing and have a semi-heart attack, gripping any particle of train matter around them for dear life.I arrive at work (we're talking in easy-bake oven time 'cause I don't think you want to hear much more about my train ride or walk to work), exchange a couple of hellos, get set up with my laptop and off everyone goes, their head already deep into their work.After an hour, I start to feel my legs stiffening up, my back aching. I think I also convinced myself that I need glasses after 2 hours of looking at the computer screen as well. Eight hours pass, we say our goodbyes and off we go. One day down, five trillion to go.And yet, all I could think is, “Is this it?” Is this REALLY it? No, it can't be. And the truth is – it doesn’t have to be. Take a minute and ask yourself:- Are you genuinely happy with your career? - Is there somewhere else you imagine yourself when you’re at work? - Are you holding back from chasing a dream because of a fear?Let’s put this into perspective now. If you’re not happy, change it. If there’s somewhere else you want to be, go and do it. If you’re holding back out of fear, know that 96% of what you worry about doesn’t come true (#tipsfrommamamolenda). I used to be afraid of failing, because of course it meant that I wasn’t going to reach all of my goals in life – getting married, having kids, travelling and being financially stable. It was then that I realized how much power and meaning I have been giving my fears, so much that I had let it dictate my life.Can you relate to this? If so, I have a little [read: incredibly liberating and life changing] challenge for you! I'm going to challenge you to face your dreams, head on. Yup, you're doing it! It might involve dropping everything you’re doing now, giving up a job and financial security or going back to school. But trust that your newfound happiness will make it all worth it, especially when you do begin to pave your new path and find your way. You may find beautiful success out of it or you may learn that it isn’t exactly what you wanted after all. That's OKAY. As long as you can find peace in knowing that you tried and you gave it your whole heart instead of basking in “what if’s” and regrets later on. I'd love to follow along on whatever journey you are traveling on at the moment, so please be sure to leave a little love note with your story below.And hey, if you are a part of the 9-5 club, KUDOS! Though I’m no veteran, I have a few tips that might make that 9-5 feel a little bit lighter and more enjoyable.