When You Need A Change


“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."   - Steve Jobs I can’t even begin to express the number of times this thought trickled through my brain before I decided to do something about it. I mean, good in theory, but how many of us are actually living and acting through these mantras that we assign ourselves with?Unfortunately, it usually takes something drastic to free ourselves from the misery we’re putting ourselves through; one too many anxiety attacks, an ugly dispute with a co-worker or in many cases, health issues. After having endured each of these dreaded events on multiple occasions, I finally encountered my wake-up call in a whole new light.It was one thought; the thought of going through life doing the same ‘ol dreary routine that I had no love, fuel or passion for whatsoever and constantly putting my true passion into the “what if” folder in my mind—all for a measly pay cheque.Side note: I totally understand the importance of financial security, but I don’t believe in sacrificing your happiness or well being in the process. I mean, think of how exhilarating it would be to actually be EXCITED to go to work; no Sunday night woes, “Is it Friday yet?” complaints or the dreadful hourly countdown until 5:00pm.Now think of something you love – people, numbers, sports, singing, food, public speaking or fitness. Imagine what it would be like to work with your passions each and everyday. I know for myself that I love the idea of going home to whip up a new healthy creation in the kitchen and testing it out on my family (the feedback is often hilarious and honest). I also love getting a good sweat on at my local CrossFit gym. Most of all, I love people – connecting, relating, sharing and engaging. The idea of integrating each of these elements into a career, along with my passion for writing and public speaking, is a dream and a half. And so I’m doing all that I can to make that happen.We all have a calling. That little voice in your head is there for a reason – don’t ignore it. Don’t put it on the back burner. You have one life (as far as we know). To assume that we have all the time in the world to “eventually” tackle our dreams is, well, unrealistic. We don’t know what lies ahead. Make it count.Originally published on LinkedIn.