138: When You’re Nervous About Taking The Next Step - Solo Episode

How many times have you wanted to take action on a dream or next step, only to convince yourself not to because--what if it doesn’t go the way you want? 

Today I’m inviting you to ask a different question: what if it DOES go the way you want? I took a big step in my intuitive living journey a couple weeks ago, deciding to sublet my apartment so I could spend the winter elsewhere, and I want you to know: you can make these intuitive decisions, too. You too can create the life you desire. 

I’ll walk you through an exercise that you can use to smash through your limiting beliefs and take action on your next intuitive living step--and also spill the tea on where I’m going to be this winter. 

Tune into episode #138:

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In this episode, I’ll talk about:

  • Why we should think about life being long instead of being short

  • An exercise you can use to help you take action when considering the next step in your life

  • How you can reframe your worst case scenarios that stop you from taking action

  • Why it’s important to look at where your fears and limiting beliefs come from

  • Why you have no real reason not to go after the thing you want

  • Where I’m going to be this winter--and how I made that decision

  • How trusting and surrendering allowed me to make my dreams a reality in just a few hours

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